Sunday, March 7, 2010

Multimedia POYi

I feel like I learned a lot about what to put into a multimedia project in photojournalism after listening to the judges talk about this category. I watched the judging for Issue Reporting Story-Multimedia. After they went through all the narrowed down projects, they started discussing about the 8 that they decided to keep. They played each one all the way through and I noticed right away the story about the boy who had been molested. I knew after seeing that one that it should be first because not only was it such a powerful subject, but it had such powerful photography and audio as well. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful the photographer made the photos, even with the difficulty of not being able to show the subject's identity. She had a great variety of photos which included some of using reflections in a mirror, shadows, hand holding, and contrasting of light and dark that kept me interested. I also thought her interviews with the mother and the boy were awesome. She included such great and powerful quotes that told the story so clearly. You could tell from the audio that the boy presented himself very well and his explaining of what happened was very mature.
It was interesting to hear how the judges picked out the winners so quickly. I thought it was true of what the male judge was talking about when he said he thought that because this was supposed to be a photography competition, that they should consider that with all of the entries, which is why most of the 8 left were voted out. I agreed that all of the multimedia projects were terrifically reported, but that some were photographed better than the others. Although the career fair was reported on very well, it seemed more like a tv documentary or something you would see on the 5 o'clock news than something in POYi. I think the winners for this category were picked correctly for their their issue as well as content, photography, and audio. Take a look at the winners!

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